Arizona governor approved new traffic rules that conclude the punishment of drunk and driving, accidents due to self-driving cars, and many other rules. The governor has made the traffic police very strict for drunk and driving cases.

Arizona Governor Approves New Traffic Rules

Driving under the influence now carries a criminal record for life, up to 18 months in an Arizona state prison, and a year’s suspension of one’s driver’s license. After that year, intoxicated drivers will be required to install an ignition interlock device, which compels drivers to submit an alcohol-free breath sample before allowing the vehicle to start and may even need random breath tests once the vehicle has started.  

Companies must register their vehicles with the state if they want to put autonomous cars on the road, and they must do it within 60 days if they’ve already started testing. They must adhere to regulations such as displaying federal certification markings and ensuring that the car will immediately stop or take other safety measures if the self-driving feature fails.  

Traffic Rules That Must Get Strictly Followed In Arizona

Driving While Talking On A Cellphone  

In Arizona, it is unlawful to talk or text on a mobile device while driving unless it is in hands-free mode as of January 1, 2021. While the law also forbids using your phone while driving, reading, writing, or sending a message, looking through social media, viewing or recording movies, or any other activity that causes a distraction from driving. It is legal to use your GPS application, make or cancel a call, and request assistance in an emergency, according to the legislation.  

Seat Belt Requirements  

Seat belts are required for all front-seat passengers in Arizona. Whether in the front or rear seat, children under the age of 16 must be securely restrained. In Arizona, wearing a seat belt is considered a secondary violation. 

Child Restraints  

Children under the age of eight must be securely secured in a car seat that is suitable for their age, weight, and height in Arizona. The kid restraint system must be fitted appropriately. Children Are Priceless Passenger is a program in which Arizona participates. CAPP provides car seat safety seminars and free child safety seat exams all around the state.

Cars With Pets

If “physical damage to or death of the animal is likely to happen,” a domestic animal, such as a dog, cat, or other pet, cannot be left unattended and confined in a vehicle. If you leave your dog in a hot car, you might be fined.

Restrictions For The Drivers

Drivers in Arizona are required to shift over one lane for the following reasons:  

Responders to an emergency  Officers of the law  Workers on the roads and highways  stranded motorists  Assist on the road  

If changing lanes is risky, you must slow down for any vehicle on the side of the road flashing its lights. If you break this legislation, which applies to all public roadways, highways, parkways, municipal roads, and surface streets, you will be charged with a moving infraction.  

You can stay safe by maintaining your car in addition to following the law. When your automobile needs servicing, call Sun Devil Auto to keep it operating safely, effectively, and in compliance with Arizona laws.  

Punishment For Breaking The Traffic Rules In Arizona

The License That Has Been Tampered With Or Is Fictitious  

Displaying a license that you know is canceled, revoked, suspended, false, or changed is illegal. It’s also against the law to change a driver’s license or get a fake driver’s license. Your driver’s license will be suspended as a result of your acts, and you may face penalties and/or a jail sentence.

Driving Aggressively  

If you do a sequence of activities during a single, continuous time of driving that pose imminent harm to another person or vehicle, exceed the posted speed limit, and commit two of the following offenses, you may be charged with aggressive driving. 

Disobedience to traffic control signs and signals  On the right side, passing another car  Lane change that isn’t safe  Too close to the action  Failure to yield to emergency vehicles is a serious offense.   


While the law also forbids using your phone while driving, reading, writing, or sending a message, looking through social media, viewing or recording movies, or any other activity that causes a distraction from driving. It is legal to use your GPS application, make or cancel a call, and request assistance in an emergency, according to the legislation. On the first offense, violators face a punishment of $75 to $149, and on successive violations, a fine of $150 to $250. So you should check the rules of Arizona carefully before driving there.  

Que. When is an Arizona driver’s license is revoked?

Ans. When convicted of certain driving infractions, it is required under Arizona law. Your driving privileges will stay revoked until an investigation is finished under Arizona traffic regulations, even if your revocation term has ended.

Que. In Arizona, can a car be parked in a driveway?

Ans. No, a car cannot be parked in a driveway. It violates the ADA.