He is a previous understudy of the school. Besides, Vladimir Putin reproved the shooting as an ‘barbaric psychological oppressor assault’.


As indicated by sources, the loss of life remains at 15 and a larger number of than two dozen individuals were harmed.

Following not many hours, his firearms in the interim drag accolades for the scandalous Columbine school shooters.

The aggressor was distinguished as Artyom Kazantsev. The school is in the focal point of Izhevsk, a city of around 650,000 occupants, near focal government structures.

Artyom Kazantsev Violations Russia’s Insightful Board of trustees affirmed the loss of life of Kazantsev’s assault remains at 13, while 14 more were harmed.

Also, when the assault was finished, film showed injured kids being removed from the school to holding up ambulances.

The school has 982 understudies and 80 educators. Large numbers of those impacted were first graders – seven years of age – as indicated by reports.