It could not be possible for anyone to buy the perfect furniture for their home or office, and when you find, after purchasing any item, that you are not satisfied with the product you bought from the Ashley furniture store, then do not worry because you can return standard shipping furniture items to Ashley within 30 days of delivery.

Ashley does not charge any restocking or cancellation fees to its customers, so if you are unsatisfied, you can return to Ashley within 48 hours of purchase.

If you want a replacement, exchange, or refund, then Ashley gives you seven days to reselect the product; otherwise, you will get your refund from Ashley after completing some simple processes.

Ashley allows its customers to cancel the order before delivery if they change their minds before the product is delivered.

Ashley accepts the return of only original products as Ashley delivers them to your doorstep. Ashley will not accept the return of those products which are damaged by the customer before pickup by Ashley.

Ashley Furniture Return Policy:

Ashley always wants to satisfy its customers, but if they are not satisfied with any furniture product from Ashley, they can follow these return policies for an easy return, replacement, and refund.

You can return a product to Ashley within 48 hours of delivery. The product you are returning should be in the same condition as Ashley delivered it to you, and if you want an easy return, then do not use that product. If you want to return a product, you should send an email or contact the Ashley Return Merchandise Return team. They will properly guide you to make a flourishing return and refund. Ashley charges a 25% restocking fee on all returns when a customer returns an assembled or modified product to Ashley. You must have a return tracking number, and if Ashley asks you, you should give them that number to avoid any interruption in return. You will get a refund from Ashley in seven working days.

Can you return a damaged and missing part to Ashley?

If the product is damaged by the customer after delivery, Ashley will accept the return only if that product is fully covered by the warranty scheme of Ashley. It depends on which part is damaged and when you purchased that product from Ashley.

When you get a damaged product, or the parts of the product are missing upon delivery, you should immediately inform Ashley by calling your nearest Ashley store or their official customer support number, 866-436-3393, and explain this. If they find your complaint correct, they will offer you an exchange for the product with the same product available at the store, or if you want a refund for it, you will get a refund.

Ashley’s Refund Policy

Ashley will credit your refund amount within 7 to 10 days, and you will receive your refund on the payment method you used to pay for purchasing the product from Ashley. If you return a damaged product and it is still in its warranty period, then Ashley may cut some price from your refund amount according to the defect in the product.

Ashley does not refund shipping charges on all returns.

Ashley’s Exchange Policy

Ashley will issue the same prices for the same items you want to exchange, while if you interchange for a higher-priced product, you have to pay that extra cost to Ashley. When you interchange a product for a low-cost item, Ashley will refund you the applicable cost of the product you bought. You can exchange under warranty products at Ashley, but it will not exchange the products you purchased in the Ashley sale period.


Ashley sells quality furniture items, and if you are unsatisfied with a product from Ashley, you can fluently return it by following their return policies. You cannot rejoinder a damaged product if it is damaged from the customer’s side after delivery. When Ashley delivers you a damaged product, you should immediately contact Ashley. Ashley processes refunds within 7 to 10 days after approving your return. You should not use a product if you want to replicate it, because sometimes Ashley does not accept returns of used products.

How can you find the model number of your Ashley furniture?

You should check the Ashley furniture model number on the product, under the removable seat cushion, or on the unit and footrest.

Does an Ashley employee make a commission?

Yes, employees can earn $ 15 per hour plus an additional 8% commission when selling an Ashley product.

Can you refinish Ashley’s furniture?

If you want, you can refinish Ashley’s furniture by painting it in your favorite color, but the white color suits the furnishing best.