Thiago Castilho was participating in the Luiz Antônio Rodeo Show at the Gilberto Moreno Long-lasting Display and Occasions Park on Thursday night when misfortune struck.

Video from the occasion that has been circling on the web shows the youngster being flung from the bull’s back only eight seconds into the ride, as the Day to day Mail detailed.

Castilho lost his head protector and fell oblivious to the ground. He was immediately moved by two men while a third pursued off the bull.

The high schooler, from the city of Brodowski, who longed for riding bulls in the US, was hurried to a nearby medical clinic, where he went into heart failure and died early Friday.

His dad, nearby cop Jean Carlos Castilho, told the Brazilian media source G1 that his child had been riding ponies since the age of 11, and was riding bulls when he turned 16.

The senior Castilho said he would frequently caution his child about the risks of bull riding, however he said the adolescent was focused on the dangerous pursuit.

“Tragically, that is what’s truly going on with rodeo. It’s a risky game,” Castilho said. “I generally shared with him, ‘My child, stop it’. (He said), ‘No, father, that is the very thing that I need. On the off chance that I die one day, I will die blissful, I will die riding.’”

Castilho added that his child was blissful when he ventured out from home to go to the rodeo on Thursday.

Rodeo commentator Ronaldo Xavante let the power source know that the hopeful bull rider was showing a ton of commitment and had even grabbed the eye of a few public groups.

The high schooler was let go in his old neighborhood on Friday evening.